Fuel for Revival

16 10 2007

We are two weeks into our expositional study of John’s first letter. The Lord is allowing this book that has often baffled me in the past to unfold with beauty and power for my heart. It is such a simple book, yet I often feel like I’m standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon: the depths are staggering. I know that’s true of all of Scripture, but it is especially true for my heart with this book right now. Would you pray that God would graciously use I John to bring revival in our church family? John’s plea for diligent attention to our relationship with God seems like especially good fuel for genuine revival. As with any church, we need it: a fresh sense of the offense of sin; the purifying allure of true fellowship with God; awe at the patience, perseverance, and faithfulness of God to endlessly forgive us for endlessly tearing apart our fellowship with him; horror at the adultery of loving the world while claiming to love God; wonder at the love that would make us children of God. What if those things were truly fresh in our hearts by the ministry of the Holy Spirit through the Word?
David & Heather Wilkinson are preparing to move into a larger home, as they prepare for baby #3 (due in March). Adam & Kristi Lee are in the Northeast visiting family and are eager for the arrival of baby #1 (due in February). Scott & Gina Franklin are settling into the new routines of life with baby #4, who was born a month ago.



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